星期日, 4月 13, 2008

To Fred, my My dear friend in Macau.

Dear Fred:

I'm so glad that you wrote to me again. You latter, and last time, encourages me a lot.

Indeed, if I have no responsibility for the R.O.C army, I might take a turn to find a REAL job as the start of my career. Under that condition, the PhD plan might be postponed for (unknown time). I have thought a lot recently, and one thing still confuses me - Am I that suitable for research ? or said, what I can really "create" from whatever I research? A belief I have for some time is, if you cant create something new then you don't deserve the title, PhD.

One time, Prof. Kao had a long conversion with me for couple months ago. He was not that supported for any student to get a PhD (in Taiwan) before he is in strong finance-based (or said got a job). The academic market of Taiwan seems not so bright. And, most important he said: "How many researchers in Taiwan are really happy with their works?" "Not so many..." he answered. Although his BPM course makes him some bad impressions for student, but I think he is really a nice prof. that really cares about student.

The bad market situation does not affect me that much, but I come up with an idea:

Should I have some practical exp. first?

Something there in my mind, but I cant sure that it's valuable for research, or just a huge crap. And I think with more practical experience, after that, maybe the direction will be clear.

So, I'm still preparing for the exam this year, but as the result, in frankly, I dont care (that much). Now, I'm working on a conf. paper. The time is running, no time for me to say more.

About the FRED meeting, I wish it could be held for one time (at least) before Lim leaves for S.A.. It's slow but in progress. I think maybe you can join us on one Sunday via Internet, it's will be fun and cool!

It's a bad idea to write in English, but for me, it's a nice chance for practice.

Good luck for job and life!.

Sincerely, Yusian. 08.04.13.


